She Will Find Love When She Wants It

2 min readNov 19, 2020


Society should not pressure us into thinking that love is everything. It is not the end of everything.

Photo by Daniil Kuželev on Unsplash

I don’t know who needs to hear this but I am here to tell you that love and romantic relationship don’t guarantee you happiness. It is one of the ways to make you happy. Romantic relationship is messy and you will never know if it is going to always make you happy or leave you heartbroken at the end of the day.

My recent relationship that sucked my soul out of me have left me wondered if everything was even worth it to begin with. The amount of energy, money and time put to someone who ended up manipulated and gaslighted me really tore my self-esteem down that I regretted it.

I am not here to tell you that you should not take any chances when it comes to love and relationship. But I am here to tell you that no external happiness could replace the internal happiness you should find within yourself. No relationship nor anyone could replace the amount of work you should be doing for yourself.

Grow, develop and be self-sufficient before you decide to date someone. When you started to date someone, don’t leave the work behind — continue growing and developing yourself. Love and relationships may end at any time of the day, but your career, your professional credentials, your habits and your identity will never leave you behind.

Of it all, remember that singlehood is not bad at all. You can always find love when you want it. But love and relationship is not a cure to everything. Settling for less than you should be getting is also a recipe for disaster.

Remember, your identity and your worth is devoid of anyone or anything else. When you find the worth and happiness within your inner self, you begin to date and love healthily.




A law graduate with deep interest in psychology, self-development, fitness and relationships.