Level Up, Ladies!

People come and go, but you have yourself to stick to.

4 min readNov 22, 2020
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

I remember watching Ciara’s music video from her song Level Up. At that point, I was in my weakest state and my self-confidence was crushed after ending a terrible and toxic relationship. I slowly starts building myself up , and Ciara’s song remains the background song throughout my levelling up journey. I want to become a high value woman, so I orientate my life towards a positive self-growth journey.

Why Do We Level Up?

Levelling up is a self-development process in areas of life, covering not just external changes but also internal changes. Remember how you used to become a doormat to the unworthy guy in a bad relationship? Remember how you used to not know about personal finance and investments? Remember how you feel terrible eating highly processed foods and gained so much weight from it?Levelling up starts with an honest self-diagnosis by asking yourself hard questions — from that point onwards, you start to recognise on which part of your life that needs improvement and growth.

Levelling up focuses on improving yourself whilst reminding you of your self-love, self-worth and self-respect. When you have all those, nothing terrible could stop you from progressing. You will learn how to walk away when it/anyone no longer vibes with you because you know you deserve better. For you to deserve better, is to start becoming better.

Where Do I Level Up?

Levelling up starts with recognising the parts of you that you are not good at, and then becoming better. Whilst the list here is not exhaustive, these are amongst of the areas you may want to start to troubleshoot and build up your levelling up game to become a high value woman.

  1. Finance
  2. Fitness
  3. Self-Care
  4. Knowledge
  5. Career
  6. Hobbies
  7. Health
  8. Personal Development
  9. Interpersonal Relationships
  10. Mindset

What Books I Should Read To Level Up?

It is very imperative that every levelling up journey should start with reading high quality readings. Either it is classics, foreign affairs, economics or politics, what you read will determine the kind of people you mingle around in creating high level conversations. A high value woman should be able to handle conversations beyond superficiality, and reading is just the start.

Personally, my reading areas are divided generally into few categories : self-help, psychology, law, relationships, and personal finance. These are the areas that I am currently learning and I continuously read books along these areas that I have set earlier this year.

My Personal Levelling Up Journey

I don’t want to admit my journey is all full of roses, because no, I am only human. But one thing I learnt this year is to forgive myself for what I cannot control, and to forgive myself for the bad choice(s) I have made.

Taking a very introspective approach : I began my levelling up journey earlier this year by writing it in Trello app and track the progress every now and then. I learn and maintain building good habits — such as keeping track of my finances, cleaning up my bedroom every time after I wake up and fitness as a lifestyle.

My 2020 lists that I have set in my personal levelling up journey includes —

  1. Reducing weight
  2. Increasing my emergency fund
  3. Learning new skills such as swimming and muay thai.
  4. Attended a fitness coaching to learn about fitness and reducing weight healthily
  5. Read 12 books.
  6. Find a long-term partner (although I broke up with him as the relationship was toxic and emotionally abusive).
  7. Open investment accounts and pension fund account.
  8. Do side-hustle jobs and re-sell unused stuffs.
  9. Formally joined a civil society that focuses on societal and women empowerment.
  10. Organised and assisted in volunteering programmes with my good friend.
  11. Started counselling sessions to improve my well-being and to recognise myself better.
  12. Up-skilled myself during the pandemic with an online course on Islamic Finance.
  13. Started writing on Medium.com which hopefully would turn out to become a book one day.

The Journey Starts With You

Whilst I am excited to share 2021 Levelling Up Journey in my next post hopefully, I would remind myself and my readers that this journey is not about others. It’s about YOU. You decide the kind of person you would like to be, and from that onwards, you build a system that makes you become who you wish to be. More importantly, having a group of girlfriends that support each other up throughout the levelling up journey is very important you as accountable partners often work wonders to keep you in check. I’d recommend joining r/FemaleLevelUpStrategy as the sisters spirit there is amazing! I have also began doing a vision board for myself to help me envision the kind of life I want to have in 5 years time.

Eventually, be kind to yourself through positive affirmations and you will attract good vibes around you.




A law graduate with deep interest in psychology, self-development, fitness and relationships.